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Rental Space Available in Union County, Tennessee

Manufacturing Space Available

There is ample space available for your retail, manufacturing or e-commerce business at the Union County Business Park in Maynardville, Tennessee. If you’re looking to relocate your business or start something new, this space is ideal to fit your needs.

Available now is 10,000 square feet with 5 offices, restroom space, and an optional retail store front. The space is flexible, so tenants can choose to lease 5,500 square feet with 2 offices, or 10,000 sq. ft..

Manufacturing Space For Lease

Manufacturing Space For Lease

This Manufacturing and office space for lease is near Knoxville and owned by J.T. Russell in Historic Maynardville, Tennessee.  It's 17,500 sq ft, has 480 v. 3 phase power, two over head dock doors, one overhead ground level door, fully air conditioned, gas heat and sprinkler system.  Located in the industrial park off highway 33 on Durham Drive and was previously a sewing factory including 6 offices. This space can be divided into different sections as needed for small & large business.  For more information call J.T.  (865) 679-2443 Let's make it in America.

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